About Us
The Asian American Parents Association is a small group of concerned Asian parents from the city of Cupertino and west San Jose. AAPA developed Four Initiatives to Accomplish its Mission.
Establish Dialogue with the two school districts;
Develop Parent Awareness Programs;
Promote Student Training and Leadership Programs;
Encourage Community Involvement.
1. Dialogue with the two school Districts:
Supported CUSD to establish a Diversity/Multi-Cultural Education Coordinator position. In partnership with the District the following programs have been implemented by the CUSD:
Diversity Book Fair;
Initiated a Diversity Leaning Day to train staff to be more sensitive to cultural diversity;
AAPA co-sponsored with CUSD the Bridge and Gate "Firecracker" performance for all 5th graders for 3 consecutive years and AAPA provided bus transportation funding for the students. Bridge and Gate presented lectures to the teachers for better appreciate the performances;
AAPA was invited to provide inputs for the selection criteria of the new superintendent for CUSD and Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD);
AAPA established quarterly meetings with the Superintendent and Staff of the Cupertino Union School District (CUSD);
AAPA established quarterly meetings with the Superintendent and Staff of the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD);
AAPA members were very active in their support of Measures A and H;
AAPA members participated in many District Committees and Task Forces:
Alternative Science and Technology School (Portal Elementary) Task Force;
CUSD Budget Advisory Committee;
Mathematics Framework and NCTM Standards Task Force;
Standards and Assessment Task Force;
Curriculum Review Committee;
Diversity Committee;
Middle School Task Force; download outlook 2010
Facility Adviser Committee;
In 1998 AAPA was invited to participate in the review of the FUHSD 10th Grade World History Social Study textbook selection process. AAPA solicited the assistance of several experts to review the books and make recommendations. One book was found to have a section that gave a fair and representative view of modern Asian history. It was ultimately adopted by the FUHSD.
2. Parent Awareness Programs:
Math Seminar for parents and students 1994, 1995;
New Comers Pot Luck gatherings - to introduce new comers to AAPA members and school district officials;
Language Arts and Writing seminar for parents 1995;
Introduction of the ELD (English Learning Development) program 1995, 1997;
Pursuit of Excellence Seminar about parenting of teenagers 1996;
More Than Hormones, The Complexity of Pre-teen Development Seminar 1997
Established the AAPA Newsletter and Web site on the Internet:
3. Student Training and Leadership Programs:
Speech Training Seminars for middle school and high school students.
4 Community Involvement:
Supported the Cupertino Historic Society's exhibit on local Chinese history;
Had representatives at the Cupertino Leadership Training program;
Had representatives in the Citizens of Cupertino Cross-Cultural Consortium (5 C's);
Participated in the 4th of July Fireworks fund raiser.
Established an Asian American Teachers Scholarship fund to award scholarships to aspiring Asian American students who will choose teaching as their careers;
Holds an annual Lunar New Years luncheon with many civic, school, and community members in attendance (in 1998 AAPA received a certificate of Proclamation from the city council and mayor of Cupertino);
Lends strong support of CEEF fund raising activities;
Was presented the CREST (Cupertino Recognizes Extra Steps Taken) award by the City of Cupertino in 1997 for its contributions to the community.
Here at Asian American Parents Association, we’re committed to investing our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. Since 2000, we’ve been supporting our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!